day 3

     The product of my project is five YouTube videos of five different songs. The major steps are to first learn the techniques, learn a song using that technique, then filming that song. So far, I've practiced for 6.5 hours, and I have learned how to play the major chords and two-string open string songs. Before I started my project, I only knew five chords, and didn't know how to play open string. Now, I can even read notes, including sharps, flats, and naturals. I've also found the song that I would like to learn this week. From this, I myself can benefit, because it's a nice way to distract myself and have fun in a productive way. I can spend less time on my phone and more time leaning to do something that I enjoy. This project is worthy of my college apps because it's a hobby that I will learn on my own and dedicate a large portion of my time to.

Image result for guitar sor c major
Study in C by Fernando Sor, one of the pieces I've learned.


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